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Globalization and capitalization Sports

At the time of the current exercise is not only as a hobby or a distribution to maintain the body's own health, but was over more entities as one of the industry, the sports industry. There are thousands and even millions of human lives affected either directly or indirectly from the existence of this sports industry. United States as one of the centers of the world of sports industry is one of the most favorite place for those who hang up his life from the business world of sports. For example, an NBA (National Basket Ball Association), rugby and American football has become the industry's leading sports in the country. One attraction of this industry is how the audience is presented with showtimes trick the body of the athlete is. Effect of male, strong, masculine and radiated from this exercise. This is a spectator interest in it is the expression of angry, hysterical, crying, laughter is not a part of the integral of an atmosphere of rivalry. One product that is known spor


Secara epistemologi kata-kata indie berasal dari perkataan independent yang artinya kurang lebih sama dan semakna dengan self-governing, able to work alone, self-confident , bebas, berdikari (berdiri di atas kaki sendiri), emansipasi, dan merdeka. Perkataan indie ini identik dan menunjuk kepada suatu perkumpulan atau komunitas dalam masyarakat yang mayoritas anggotanya adalah berasal dari kalangan anak-anak muda terutama yang berdomisili di daerah-daerah urban atau perkotaan. Dalam aktualisasi dan ekspresi dirinya mereka berpegang pada semboyan do it your self dan do what you love . Yang menjadi ciri khas karya mereka adalah karya-karya mereka ini bersifat eksklusif tidak pasaran, limited edition , dan selalu berusaha untuk menciptakan style-style baru yang berbeda dari sebelumnya. Mereka bisa bergerak di bidang fotografi, perancang busana, perancang situs web, membuat baju, celana, aksesoris-aksesoris, film, majalah, pemandu sorak, disc jockey , animator, modifikator, musik, dan