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Profesi dapat diartikan bidang pekerjaan yang didasari oleh keahlian dan tanggung jawab yang tinggi. Keahlian yaitu kemampuan untuk melaksanakan pekerjaan tersebut karena yang bersangkutan telah memahami benar mengenai teknis pelaksanaan pekerjaan tersebut. Tanggung jawab yaitu bahwa pelaksanaan pekerjaan tersebut terhindar dari kesalahan-kesalahan sehingga hasilnya memuaskan. Bertolak dari pengertian tersebut, maka tenaga profesional adalah pekerja/pegawai yang telah memiliki keahlian dalam melaksanakan pekerjaan tertentu. Bekerja secara profesional adalah bekerja yang didasarkan pada keahlian, bukan bekerja yang didasarkan kepada perintah saja. Contoh pekerjaan profesional adalah dokter, hakim, bidan, arsitek, ahli teknik elektronika, ahli kecantikan, ahli pahat, petinju, pemain bola. Untuk menjadi pekerja profesional, diperlukan belajar dengan tekun melalui learning by doing, keuletan, dan kesabaran. Dalam diri pekerja profesional terdapat ciri-ciri sebagai berikut : 1. Selalu menge


HANDLING COMPLAINTS A business can swing dramatically from positive to negative and back, all within a day. Complaints about your company’s services or product mostly come as asurprise since people rarely set outto disappoint or offend. Not only do salespeople have to manage their own experiences, they also have to create experiences to give the customers confidence in the product. And not just at the moment of purchase, but to be satisfied even when they explain their expenditure to family and friends. There are many instances where the customers become dissatisfied or unconvinced as they are swayed by the objections of people important to them. That’s also when complaints come in. There are many innovative ways to handle complaints. There was a company which was getting so many calls about their lack of service that the complaints department was up in arms. The staff felt unsupported by the sales-people. So they suggested the sales department handle the complaints to personally exper