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Final liga champions 2008-2009 telah menghasilkan sang juara, ya dialah The Real Champions Barcelona, yang pantas menyandang gelar ( The King of Europe ). Rajanya sepak bola benua Eropa. Partai final kontra manchester United telah menjadi ajang penunjukkan kedigdayaan kiltur sepak bola offensive , sepak bola indah, skillfull football , attractive football , atau sebutan-sebutan lain yang layak disematkan kepada tim yang mewakili suatu suguhan sepak bola yang indah, yang enak ditonton, baik melalui layar televisi maupun secara langsung di dalam stadion. Meskipun dalam partai final permainan kedua tim tidak berjalan seperti biasa karena disebabkan oleh perasaan nervous karena tampil di partai puncak dam pola permainan yang dikembangkan oleh kedua tim yang menerapkan pressure football, man to man marking yang menyebabkan alur bola menjadi terhambat, namun secara keseluruhan permainan dikuasai oleh Barcelona melalui duo dirigen lapangan tengah mereka Xavi Hernandez dan Andres Iniesta yan


Salespeople must develop two information-handling skills to deal with customers effectively. A good salesperson is always attentive to and responsive to feedback the reaction from his customers about the sales information that was presented. This feedback is immediate, regardless of whether the sale was made. While feedback is important, the ability of salespeople to "feed forward" information about their products and services is crucial in establishing the direction that the sale will take. They do this by they behavior,gestures, emotions, and the word used. Feeding information forward involves taking action. It enables you to sell effectively, using the language that makes sense to your customers. When you begin to speak their language, or lingo, it's easier for your customers to make a decision they are comfortable with. Virtually all customers use language as an aid to marketing decisions. Their words can be recast by the salesperson to assist them to make a decision